Title Insurance
Title Insurance is one of the most important tools used to protect a real estate investment. A title insurance policy safeguards the insured from loss on a specific piece of property and ensures you hold clear title to your property, which is especially important in Mexico. A title insurance company will research the history of your title and a title insurance policy will protect and defend your rights. It will insure you against fraud, errors & omission, third party interventions, and government claims.Title insurance policies are recommended and, in fact, many lenders will not provide financing without them. However not all title insurance policies are equal, so be sure the policy you purchase is for the land and not just the Fideicomiso (Bank Trust). A title insurance policy is purchased for a one-time fee and will protect the property owner for the term of ownership and, in some cases, even after the property has been sold. Title insurance rates can vary depending on the value of the property and the company you employ.
In Mexico, escrow is also offered through title insurance companies acting as a trusted third party. This means they will not release your money until the title has been transferred properly and all details of the deal have been satisfied.
A title insurance policy should provide:
- Complete investigation of title history.
- Payment of legal expenses associated with defending the title.
- Compensation for valid claims up to the value of the policy.